Verifying User Identity
Verifying User Identity
Authentication is a method of providing application and network security by permitting only users with validated identities (authenticated users) access to resources. Voodoo allows three types of authentication:
We discourage this method
By default, our servers do not allow Basic Authentication.
Using Basic Authentication over HTTP is completely insecure, nevertheless used extensively in industry. Some of our customers feel that this method of authentication is perfectly fine as long as it is limited to HTTPS connections. Since our servers generally use HTTPS, Voodoo can enable Basic Authentication on a customer’s Big Block server by request only.
The advantage of using this authentication method is that individual POST messages can be made without the need to maintain any state information between requests. There is no login step required.
import requests baseURL = "" # or your Big Block server apiURL = baseURL+"api/" deviceEndpoint = apiURL+"device/" deviceID = "CCCCCC:DDDDDD" username = "yourusername" password = "yourpassword" session = requests.Session() deviceEndpoint+deviceID+"/", auth=(username,password), json={ 'command':'flash', 'line1':'Hello', 'line2':'There1', 'line3':'\\ictop', 'line4':'\\qrmyspecialcode', } )
Key’s are associated with API User Accounts
API key authentication can be used with API requests, ensuring they are from an authorized source. A unique key is issued to each API user account, which is then included in API requests to authenticate the sender. When a request is received, the API server checks the key against a list of authorized keys and grants access if the key is valid. This approach is widely used due to its simplicity and effectiveness in controlling access to API resources.
import requests baseURL = "" # or your Big Block server apiURL = baseURL+"api/" deviceEndpoint = apiURL+"device/" deviceID = "CCCCCC:DDDDDD" API_KEY = "your-api-key" #obtained from API User Account session = requests.Session() deviceEndpoint+deviceID+"/", headers={'API-KEY':API_KEY}, json={ 'command':'flash', 'line1':'Hello', 'line2':'There1', 'line3':'\\ictop', 'line4':'\\qrmyspecialcode', } )
Adds CSRF Token and Referer to the header
Session-based Authentication is secure and conveniently simple. When a client logs into a server, the client obtains both a session ID (in the cookie header) and a CSRF token.
The example shown here is somewhat deceptive because Python’s ‘requests’ library hides an important detail: The ‘Session’ object in Python accepts, stores, and provides the session cookie in the header on subsequent requests automatically.
Note that the Big Block server also requires a ‘referer’ header in any POST request. (GET requests can be made without these header additions.)
import requests import json baseURL = "" # or your Big Block server apiURL = baseURL+"api/" deviceEndpoint = apiURL+"device/" deviceID = "CCCCCC:DDDDDD" username = "yourusername" password = "yourpassword" session = requests.Session() x = apiURL+"user/login/", json={ 'username': username, 'password':password } ) z = json.loads(x.text) deviceEndpoint+deviceID+"/", headers = { 'referer': baseURL, 'x-csrf-token': z['token'], }, json={ 'command':'flash', 'line1':'Hello', 'line2':'There1', 'line3':'\\ictop', 'line4':'\\qrmyspecialcode', } )
Shows the details of the the authentication request.
This example shows exactly how a client can obtain a ‘Bearer Token’ from a Big Block server and then subsequently use that token for POST access.
Notice that the first POST request to obtain the token passes a dictionary in the data parameter. Big Block expects these parameters to be encoded, not as JSON, but as an ‘x-www-form-urlencoded’ style encoded list.
The server responds to the first request with a result like:
{ "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "expires_in": 36000, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "read write", "refresh_token": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" }
The access token can then be used for subsequent requests. The refresh_token can be used to update the access token after expiry.
import requests import json baseURL = "" # or your Big Block server apiURL = baseURL+"api/" tokenURL = baseURL+"oauth2/token/" deviceEndpoint = apiURL+"device/" deviceID = "CCCCCC:DDDDDD" username = "yourusername" password = "yourpassword" client_id = "xxxxget_this_client_id_from_usxxxxxxx" session = requests.Session() x = tokenURL, data = { # note the use of the parameter name 'data' here 'grant_type':'password', 'username': username, 'password':password, 'client_id':client_id, } ) z = json.loads(x.text) deviceEndpoint+deviceID+"/", headers = { 'Authorization': z['token_type'] + " " + z['access_token'], }, json = { # note the use of the parameter name 'json' here 'command':'flash', 'line1':'Hello', 'line2':'There1', 'line3':'\\ictop', 'line4':'\\qrmyspecialcode', } )
‘oauthlib’ and ‘requests_oauthlib’ make your life easy.
Python offers two important libraries that can make a programmer’s life much simpler. Consider this example that uses the ‘requests_oauthlib’ and ‘oauthlib’ libraries.
While some of the underlying details are hidden by the objects created, the utility is immediately obvious: You never have to worry about token renewal/refresh!
This is definitely an authentication style worth considering if your client software is written in Python.
Other languages support OAUTH2 using similar plugin libraries. Please check with us if you’d like recommendations for authentication options in your programming language of choice.
from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session baseURL = "" # or your Big Block server apiURL = baseURL+"api/" tokenURL = baseURL+"oauth2/token/" deviceEndpoint = apiURL+"device/" deviceID = "CCCCCC:DDDDDD" username = "yourusername" password = "yourpassword" client_id = "xxxxget_this_client_id_from_usxxxxxxx" session = OAuth2Session( client=LegacyApplicationClient(client_id=client_id), auto_refresh_url=tokenURL, auto_refresh_kwargs={ "client_id": client_id, "username": username, "password": password, }, token_updater=lambda t: t, ) session.fetch_token( token_url=tokenURL, username=username, password=password, include_client_id=True, ) deviceEndpoint+deviceID+"/", json={ 'command':'flash', 'line1':'Hello', 'line2':'There1', 'line3':'\\ictop', 'line4':'\\qrmyspecialcode', }, )
Here are some settings that might be useful: