Line Encodings

Just what can you put on a line in a Cloud Display Device?

Pick to Light example device

You control the layout of the display by specifying the content for the five lines and quantity parameter, using either the Querystring API or the REST API.

Each of the five lines can be simple text (scaled to maximum size to fit), a barcode, a QR-Code or an icon. The quantity parameter will display in a box on the upper left-hand corner of the display if the number is less than 64. If the quantity number is higher, it will display elsewhere.

A warehouse or distribution center picker pushes a picking cart with Pick-to-Light tags directing where inventory should be picked from and placed for batch picking.

What’s in a line?

Fewer lines are easy to read, but devices support up to five lines, separated by tildes ‘~’.

Simple Text

Each line supports up to 26 Western characters can be used to specify each line of text in the display.  The shorter the text the better, both because it’s easier to read, and because the text will scale to fill the surrounding area.


Up to 23 characters can be encoded in a barcode.  Barcodes are always placed at the bottom of the display.  Barcodes less than 10 characters in length will scan more easily than longer barcodes.

If barcodes are combined with both an icon and a QR code, the maximum length is reduced to 15 characters.

Encoding a barcode requires the prefix ‘\bc’.  To encode the barcode ‘12345Test’ use ‘\bc12345Test’.

Note 1:  To enter a backslash ‘\’ in a test URL entered into a browser, you will need to use the encoded form ‘%5c’.

Note 2: Barcodes are encoded in Code 128 B.


As with their 1-D cousins, 2-D barcodes can hold up to 23 characters.  When specified, they always appear in the top left corner of the display.

Encoding a QR-Code requires the prefix ‘\qr’.  To encode the QR-Code ‘12345Test’ use ‘\qr12345Test’.

Note 1:  To enter a backslash ‘\’ in a test URL entered into a browser, you will need to use the encoded form ‘%5c’.

Note 2:  QR-Codes are encoded using Version 3.


Icons are placed in the top left corner of the display (unless a QR-Code is also used, in which case, they are placed in the bottom left corner).

Encoding an icon requires the prefix ‘\ic’.

To create an arrow pointing left, use ‘\icleft’.  Similarly, for right, use ‘\icright’.  The other options are ‘\ictop’, ‘\icbottom’, ‘\ictopleft’, ‘\icbottomleft’, ‘\ictopright’, and ‘\icbottomright’.

Below are some additional icons the device supports.  So for a ‘No Smoking’ sign use ‘\ichazardd’.

Note:  To enter a backslash ‘\’ in a test URL entered into a browser, you will need to use the encoded form ‘%5c’.  For example, as part of a URL directly typed into a browser, use ‘%5cichazardd’ as described below.

Quantity (new in firmware 57)

Newer devices now support explicit values of quantity in a large text box in the top left corner of the display.  Values have to be between 0 and 63, and can be specified using the prefix ‘\qt’.

To encode a quantity of 22 items, use ‘\qt22’, or to encode a quantity of 6 items, use ‘\qt6’.

Note:  Big Block Server users can also get a quantity value in their ‘ack’ or ‘nack’ feedback URL.

Supported Icons

   a b c d e
URL encoded %5cichazarda %5cichazardb %5cichazardc %5cichazardd %5cichazarde
Actual code \ichazarda \ichazardb \ichazardc \ichazardd \ichazarde
  f g h i j
URL encoded %5cichazardf %5cichazardg %5cichazardh %5cichazardi %5cichazardj
Actual code \ichazardf \ichazardg \ichazardh \ichazardi \ichazardj
  k l m n o
URL encoded %5cichazardk %5cichazardl %5cichazardm %5cichazardn %5cichazardo
Actual code \ichazardk \ichazardl \ichazardm \ichazardn \ichazardo
  p q r s t
URL encoded %5cichazardp %5cichazardq %5cichazardr %5cichazards %5cichazardt
Actual code \ichazardp \ichazardq \ichazardr \ichazards \ichazardt
  u v w x y
URL encoded %5cichazardu %5cichazardv %5cichazardw %5cichazardx %5cichazardy
Actual code \ichazardu \ichazardv \ichazardw \ichazardx \ichazardy
  z A B C D
URL encoded %5cichazardz %5cichazardA %5cichazardB %5cichazardC %5cichazardD
Actual code \ichazardz \ichazardA \ichazardB \ichazardC \ichazardD
  E F G H I
URL encoded %5cichazardE %5cichazardF %5cichazardG %5cichazardH %5cichazardI
Actual code \ichazardE \ichazardF \ichazardG \ichazardH \ichazardI
  J K L M N
URL encoded %5cichazardJ %5cichazardK %5cichazardL %5cichazardM %5cichazardN
Actual code \ichazardJ \ichazardK \ichazardL \ichazardM \ichazardN
  O P Q R S
URL encoded %5cichazardO %5cichazardP %5cichazardQ %5cichazardR %5cichazardS
Actual code \ichazardO \ichazardP \ichazardQ \ichazardR \ichazardS
  T U V W X
URL encoded %5cichazardT %5cichazardU %5cichazardV %5cichazardW %5cichazardX
Actual code \ichazardT \ichazardU \ichazardV \ichazardW \ichazardX
  Y Z / 0 1
URL encoded %5cichazardY %5cichazardZ %5cichazard%60 %5cichazard0 %5cichazard1
Actual code \ichazardY \ichazardZ \ichazard` \ichazard0 \ichazard1
  2 3 4 5 6
URL encoded %5cichazard2 %5cichazard3 %5cichazard4 %5cichazard5 %5cichazard6
Actual code \ichazard2 \ichazard3 \ichazard4 \ichazard5 \ichazard6
  7 8 9 =
URL encoded %5cichazard7 %5cichazard8 %5cichazard9 %5cichazard- %5cichazard=
Actual code \ichazard7 \ichazard8 \ichazard9 \ichazard- \ichazard=
  ~ ! @ # $
URL encoded %5cichazard! %5cichazard@ %5cichazard%23 %5cichazard$
Actual code \ichazard~ \ichazard! \ichazard@ \ichazard# \ichazard$
  % ^ & * (
URL encoded %5cichazard%25 %5cichazard^ %5cichazard& %5cichazard* %5cichazard(
Actual code \ichazard% \ichazard^ \ichazard& \ichazard* \ichazard(
  ) _ + { }
URL encoded %5cichazard) %5cichazard_ %5cichazard%2B %5cichazard%7B %5cichazard%7D
Actual code \ichazard) \ichazard_ \ichazard+ \ichazard{ \ichazard}
  [ ] | \ ;
URL encoded %5cichazard[ %5cichazard] %5cichazard%5C %5cichazard;
Actual code \ichazard[ \ichazard[ \ichazard| \ichazard\ \ichazard;
  : <
URL encoded %5cichazard: %5cichazard’ %5cichazard” %5cichazard<
Actual code \ichazard: \ichazard’ \ichazard” \ichazard<
  , . /
URL encoded %5cichazard, %5cichazard.
Actual code \ichazard, \ichazard. \ichazard/

Get Started

Need more information or help with your encodings?  Schedule a demo or contact us and we’ll help you through it!

© Copyright 2024 Voodoo Robotics. All Rights Reserved. Patents Pending. Voodoo Robotics, Voodoo Devices, Big Block Server, and Turbo names and logos are all trademarks of Voodoo Robotics.