When a small company first starts keeping stock on hand, it’s often the beginning of a problem. At first, it’s a small one because it’s not as if nobody’s keeping track of the items that comprise cash flow. Whether in a ledger or a spreadsheet, everyone keeps track somehow and knows to order before they run out of a given item. The problem starts with recordkeeping that does not allow for growth, delivery times, or adequately use the data generated to improve ordering protocols. For this reason, the sooner that barcoding and live inventory systems can be put in place, the better. Logistics – the science of moving things from place to place – starts small and in the best case scenario grows with and helps to grow a company.
Big Mistakes
The worst mistake a young company can make is taking the attitude of “fake it ’til you make it.” The concept can grow, take root, and become ingrained in the company culture to the point where the company made it, but is still faking it – and because of the deception inherent in faking it, may not be doing as well as everyone thinks. A real-time or live inventory system implemented early is the base for a well-run stockroom or warehouse and building accurate KPI. This can reduce the costs of inventory, and also reduce or even stop losses due to theft, obsolescence, and damage.
If You Are Not Measuring, You Are Not Managing
If a company is not measuring stock at the SKU level, that unmanaged inventory is eating money. It’s Inventory Management 101, with a dash of bookkeeping for flavor. Inventory has costs when it’s just sitting there, and by measuring and building a picture of inventory movement, a business is better able to manage sales, stock levels, ordering, shipping, and everything tied into what’s on the shelf.
Get a Grip on Your Inventory Control
Controlling inventory takes two forms – the software and the hardware.
- Barcode generating software
- Warehouse management or inventory management software.
- Barcode printer
- Barcode Scanner
- Computer
Additional equipment is needed for point-of-sale in retail outlets, such as a check-out station with a cash register, barcode scanner, and credit card scanner. In a larger warehouse situation, a pick-to-light system can be a valuable tool to both save time and speed up picking or put-away. Pickers should be equipped with tablets and scanners in order to keep the data flowing in real time.
Implementing Inventory Control
Voodoo Robotics PTL devices not only help pickers find items, the devices can also be used to manage inventory. Between picks, the ‘static’ information stored on each device can include the expected inventory SKU and quantity for a location. This information is continuously updated each time inventory is placed in the location or removed.
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Let’s have a conversation so we can better understand your needs. Schedule a demo or contact us and get control of your mispicks!
If the system avoids just a few mispicks, it’s paid for itself!